Payroll Service
If you employ anyone in your limited company (including yourself) you must operate a payroll system.
The advent of PAYE Modernisation essentially introduced the concept of ‘real-time reporting’ for payroll purposes to Irish employers in January 2019.
As such, it is absolutely imperative to use a payroll system that is robust, and which can handle the technical aspects of PAYE Modernisation.
There literally is no reason for anyone to operate a manual payroll system in the modern world – it is literally the epitome of inefficiency.
The year 2020 in the era of COVID-19 saw the introduction of several new subsidies (TWSS and EWSS), which were operated via payroll.
How it Works
The Payroll Bureau
We operate a payroll bureau and provide payroll services to many of our clients.
BrightPay Payroll Software
We use BrightPay payroll software. This company was ahead of the pack in 2020 in providing updates and support during the incredibly busy period of COVID-19.
We Manage everything!
We will manage your payroll submissions to the Revenue Commissioners, and manage all your compliance needs in this area.
How Frequently Do You Pay your employee(s)?
We can operate weekly, fortnightly and monthly payrolls!
You just submit your raw data to us, and we will take care of everything.