The Digital Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Your business has grown rapidly and the situation is getting a little out of control? Or it is just the right time to scale your business? We can help!

The Digital Chief Financial Officer (CFO) can appeal to you when you need someone to...

Help you make strategic financial decisions

You can take advantage of our timely reporting, forecasting and guidance to make the right strategic decisions for your business.

Keep you financially healthy in time of rapid growth

Cashflow can easily get out of control when you business blooms.

Use our expertise in finances and modern technology to make sure that your business does not run out of cash.

Mitigate financial risks when scaling your business

Unforeseen risks will arise. We've been there during challenging times with our clients. Together we can identify risks beforehand and advise how to mitigate their impact on your business.

What is a Digital Chief Financial Officer (CFO)?

More and more businesses are moving from traditional accounting to automated online (cloud) accounting, allowing them to be more flexible while still driving remarkable business growth. In addition, many companies realise that it is now feasible to get exceptional financial insight from professionals with experience remotely, no matter where in Ireland they are located. With that, the demand for a Digital Chief Financial Officer has arisen. Our service offers the same financial intelligence you would get by hiring skilled experts on-site at a more affordable price and with fewer obligations.

How it works?

Get your Digital CFO

We help you evaluate what is needed so your business can scale smoothly.

Digital Transformation

We help you to select the right processes and tools. We also train you and your team to use the tools.

Scale with Confidence

Together we make sure your business scales at ease.

What does life look like with a Digital CFO?

You get timely and easy to digest management reports so that you, as a business owner, can make well informed decisions in your business.

You get a trusted guide in strategic planning, budgeting, fundraising and KPI development.

You get our experts to setup and guide you through online Cloud Accounting transformation.

You get our experts to guide your current financial staff through the changeover.

Everything is transparent so you know exactly what you are paying for from the get-go!